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Shane Flynn

  • Senior Vice Chairman and Executive Committee member of MBNA America

  • CEO of MBNA Europe – with more than 6000 employees and a nearly $30 billion portfolio

  • During Shane’s 17 years at MBNA he had senior roles in Marketing, Sales and Operations

  • Adviser to some of the largest US and European private equity firms and banks

  • Extensive work with US and international regulators

  • Consumer Finance

  • International Management

  • Operations Management

  • Regulatory Issues

  • Private Equity

Representative accomplishments
Select Prior Employers
  • MBNA Corporation

  • 5thPort

  • Cordjia

  • Societe Azur

  • Oversaw doubling of MBNA Europe revenues in 30 months to $2.2 billion with $500 million in net income before taxes

  • President of MBNA Marketing Systems—grew cash volume from $3 billion in 1993 to $70 billion in 2003

  • Testified publicly to U.K. Treasury Select Committee

  • Worked closely with regulators in many jurisdictions including the OCC, Fed, and FSA/FCA

  • Founder and board member of a startup technology company—identified the opportunity and supported development of specialized technology system

  • Formed/led executive team in a $10 billion international PE-backed acquisition (final team before seller pulled the opportunity)

  • Chairman Chester Renaissance $2.5 billion Public/Private economic development effort

  • University of Chester: DBA (Honorary)

  • University of Dublin, Trinity College: BBS (Honors)

  • EOP CII (France)

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